Snowdrops is a room next door and interlinked with Orchid Room, the 2 year old provision. We provide places for babies from 6 months to 2 years of age.
The staff ratio is one practitioner to three children.
We provide a safe and homely environment for our babies, with a dedicated area within the room and a separate sleep space.
All children have a key person who is responsible for ensuring that children’s individual routines and needs are met and who work closely with parents and carers, ensuring warm and trusting relationships are established.
All activities are carefully planned to follow children’s interests and extend their learning. This planning is shared with you and there are regular opportunities to talk about how your baby is settling and progressing whilst they are with us.
As Snowdrops Room is aligned with Orchid Room the children have daily opportunities to play and explore outside and mix with older children. This flexible approach enables children to prepare for the transition to Orchid Room and the open door sessions supports this.