Family Support Services

At Southmead Children’s Centre we aim to build open and trusting relationships with all our families within professional boundaries. We value and respect our local family’s diverse backgrounds and individual experiences and we strive to offer as much help, support and guidance to them and the wider community as we can.

Parents are their child’s first educator and know their child better than anyone but at times everyone needs some additional support, advice or guidance.

The Family Service’s Team from the North Bristol Children’s Centre are available to help you access a wide range of services and groups both within the Centre and the local community.

All parents, carers, other family members and Childminders are welcome at our Children's Centre.  

Both the universal and targeted services offered within our community enable families to build on their strengths and existing skills. Families are empowered to develop and grow in their own way and time.

If you would like family support or if you are a professional wanting to refer a family to us for support, please call 0117 3772343.

All information is available on the North Bristol Children’s Centre website.

We also have available at the Children’s Centre Benefit Information, Advice and Support

Benefit Advice – Booking Required

Please call The Family Information Services on (0845 129 72 17) or by e-mail to arrange an appointment with a Benefit Adviser.