Food Club

Food Club runs at Southmead Children’s Centre on Thursdays every week from 10.00am until 11.00am.

Membership to the club is £1.00 for a year and then each week you pay £3.50 for a bag of shopping which contains a range of quality food.


The produce has come straight from the manufacturers and distributers, rather than via supermarkets, so it is high quality ingredients including meat, dairy, store cupboard basics and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Produce is also sourced from local growers including The Community Farm to ensure that families have access to fresh fruit and vegetables every week.

You can join the Food Club if you are:

  • A family with a two year old that is eligible for a free early education place

  • A family working with a Family Support Worker, with a child under five years of age

  • A Food Club Volunteer

We are always looking for volunteers to support the Food Club, if you are interested please let us know.

The Food Club also offer demonstrations, cookery courses (led by Learning Communities) and support from the Family Services teams.
