
Early Years Forest School at Southmead Children’s Centre.

The large on-site outdoor area and nearby public woods provide your child with the starting point for endless exploration of their imaginations, creative skills and physical capabilities. Kindlings aims to develop children’s skills in working together, self-esteem and confidence, and practical skills which help to prepare children for school. We make learning fun, practical and exciting so that children develop a positive connection with learning. 

Children can take part in an endless variety of activities, including: 

  • Making dens

  • Using simple tools

  • Building and cooking on fires

  • Messy play in nature

  • Woodland crafts

  • Outdoor games

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Forest school takes place outside whatever the weather and the right clothing makes this safe and comfortable all year round and we carefully monitor children’s needs to ensure that they are getting the most out of their outdoor sessions. We have designed a Forest School classroom that complements the activities offered outside, providing indoor nature-based play and a place to change in the warm. 

Kindlings’ staff are trained in Forest School Leadership and Early Years Education and Care and can offer children opportunities to promote healthy development, foster a curiosity about nature and the environment, and instil a love of learning.

Children are able to use their free entitlement hours to attend Kindlings.


What are the benefits of Forest School

Forest School allows for flexible approaches to learning and play and can accommodate a range of learning styles.

Research related to learning outside in a natural environment highlights the positive impact this type of activity can have on young children. Studies have found that children who play in natural environments undertake more diverse, creative and imaginative play, forming an important part of a child’s development. One study, reporting on children aged 3-5, noted that children learn to work collaboratively, socially construct knowledge, and develop social skills, while cooperating, helping, negotiating, and talking with others.

Kindlings’ staff are trained in Forest School Leadership and Early Years Education and Care and can offer children opportunities to promote healthy development, foster a curiosity about nature and the environment, and instil a love of learning.

Children are able to use their free entitlement hours to attend Kindlings.