Cloakroom Library 

Bristol wants to be a city that reads with its children and the Cloakroom Library at Southmead Children’s Centre is part of the Bristol City Council’s Reading City initiative.

Research shows that book sharing from birth has an impact on children’s later reading achievement.

We aim to:

• raise awareness and knowledge among adults about the role, value and importance of reading to and with children

• increase the vocabulary of children 

• increase children’s interest and pleasure in reading 

• raise attainment in early reading and beyond

The Cloakroom Library is situated in the corridor outside of Orchid Room and is available at all times for parents and children to borrow books from.

The books in the ‘Cloakroom Library’ space can be borrowed and taken home to share with your child. There are lots of great books to choose from and you and your child can choose and borrow up to three books.
